Free Printable Worksheets For Number The Stars – Download the complete teaching unit for number the stars now to receive the complete test and so much more! It includes vocabulary, quizzes, grammar, figurative language, and comprehe. As students enter the classroom the next day, begin to treat those students who have a star on their desk differently than you do the other students. And the best part is, it's free.
Which would be the best synonym for urgency? Enjoy 6 bonus worksheets from our number the stars gr. My 5th grade students enjoyed this historical fic. You will have all of the handouts, activities, and tests listed in the table of contents.
Free Printable Worksheets For Number The Stars
Free Printable Worksheets For Number The Stars
Focus standards include figurative language, character analysis, plot, and cause and effect. Lois lowry's number the stars is a work of historical fiction offering numerous topics for extended activities. These worksheets can be used on their own, or paired with the individual resources as extension activities at the completion of the unit.
Free number the stars printable character map!use this great character map worksheet to engage your students in the classroom. On the day that you plan to begin the unit, tape the stars on random desks throughout your classroom. Have students track various character traits, important quotes, and more while reading!
This free bonus resource includes extension activity worksheets from our number the stars gr. This story, number the stars was written by lois lowry. This series contains resources for teachers about the historical fiction novel number the stars, by lois lowry.
If you desire to scratch the word out of the book your student is. This makes a perfect no prep book companion, and is great for whole class, small group, or independent study. Comprehension by chapter, vocabulary challenges, creative reading response activities and projects, tests, and much more!
number the stars worksheet
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Number The Stars Worksheets
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